Bliss - SOLD
Freedom - SOLD
Grateful - SOLD
Harmony - SOLD
Hommage to Matisse  Series - SOLD
Infinity - SOLD
Knowledge -SOLD
Layered Emotions
Omnipotence - SOLD
Progress - SOLD
Serendipity- SOLD
Transcendence - SOLD
Voice of Reason - SOLD
Warmth - Mother and Child
X-Hileration - SOLD
Yugen- SOLD
Cosmic Egg - Hiranyagarbha
Neel Kamal - 12x16 Acrylic on Paper (Framed)
Gateway to Heaven
Illuminating - 16x20 Acrylic on Canvas
Waves of Emotions 1 - SOLD
Waves of Emotions 2 - SOLD
Waves of Emotions 3 - SOLD
Waves of Emotions 4 - SOLD
Waves of Emotions 5
Indian Bride - 12x16 Acrylic on Canvas Paper - SOLD
Masks Series - SOLD
Number Theory - 24x30 Canvas -SOLD
Abstract Acrylic on Canvas Paper 12x18 - SOLD
Brilliance - 12x16 Acrylic on Canvas Paper -SOLD
Flower Princess - 12x16 Acrylic on Canvas Board - SOLD
Sisters - 28x28 Acrylic on Canvas -SOLD
Scapes - SOLD

“You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher than your own soul.” - Swami Vivekananda

Artwork 22”x30” Framed (29”x37”) Acrylic on Paper

Bliss - SOLD
Bliss - SOLD

Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.


“I have great respect for the past. If you don't know where you've come from, you don't know where you're going. I have respect for the past, but I'm a person of the moment. I'm here, and I do my best to be completely centered at the place I'm at, then I go forward to the next place.” - Maya Angelou

Artwork 22”x30” Framed (29”x37”) Acrylic on Paper


Finding calm in the midst of chaos occurs when we find as tress-free way to take moments of quiet reflection, even in the busiest of lives. Devotion is the result of focus, and focus is all about choices.

Artwork 22”x30” Framed (29”x37”) Acrylic on Paper


Beneath your burdensome regrets and who you think you are through the lens of past mistakes, there is someone beautiful who wants to emerge. Let the new emerge!

Artwork 22”x30” Framed (29”x37”) Acrylic on Paper

Freedom - SOLD
Freedom - SOLD

There’s no greater freedom than the freedom to be yourself. Give yourself that gift, and choose to surround yourself with those who appreciate you exactly as you truly are.

Grateful - SOLD
Grateful - SOLD

The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not.” “Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.” “Be thankful for everything that happens in your life; it's all an experience.”

Harmony - SOLD
Harmony - SOLD

A beautiful balance between mind, body and soul measured in tender peaceful moments.

Hommage to Matisse  Series - SOLD
Hommage to Matisse Series - SOLD

Henri Matisse’s Blue Nudes are the result of his lifelong quest to create “an art of balance, of purity and serenity, devoid of troubling or depressing subject matter.”

The painted gouache cut-outs that compose the Blue Nudes were inspired by Matisse's collection of African sculpture and his visit to Tahiti, in 1930. He required another twenty years and a post-operative period of incapacity, before Matisse synthesized those African and Polynesian influences into this seminal series of paper mounted on canvas depicting nude figures in various positions. Matisse began creating art by cutting and painting sheets of paper by hand and supervised the creation of the lithographs until his death in 1954.

Matisse chose the color blue to represent volume and distance and despite the flatness of the paper, Matisse creates a sense of relief in the cut-outs by overlapping the shapes. In deep blue against a white background, the Blue Nudes appear deceptively simple but took numerous studies and weeks of laborious cutting and arranging to create the perfect form.

Infinity - SOLD
Infinity - SOLD

The infinity symbol here represents the fluid continual motion, to expand beyond all form and have no beginning or end. A spiritual seeker must find their own balance on this path.


“Joy is prayer; Joy is strength; Joy is love; Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.” - Mother Teresa

Artwork 22”x30” Framed (29”x37”) Acrylic on Paper

Knowledge -SOLD
Knowledge -SOLD

The inspiration for this painting comes from the neural networks in our brains storing information we acquire.

Layered Emotions
Layered Emotions

Emotions are like onion skins. When you peel away one, another could be layered underneath. Emotions are always linked to something- a thought, a belief, something that has happened. Finding the core emotion and tracing it to its source is the key to truly understanding ourselves.

Artwork 22”x30” Framed (29”x37”) Acrylic on Paper


Meliorism is the belief that the world can be made better by human effort. An idea in metaphysical thinking holding that progress is a real concept leading to an improvement of the world. 

Artwork 22”x30” Framed (29”x37”) Acrylic on Paper


Nirvana - the final goal of Buddhism. A transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth.

Artwork 22”x30” Framed (29”x37”) Acrylic on Paper

Omnipotence - SOLD
Omnipotence - SOLD

Lord Shiva is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. In spite of him being considered as the destructor of life one has to understand that he is the reason for re-birth as well. Therefore, he is considered as the one who possesses both the generative and destructive powers of nature. Shiva is a very complex form who has control over both the macro and micro levels of the cosmic energy. He does not have a separate form and thus he is worshipped as a mark of the male and female union.

Progress - SOLD
Progress - SOLD

In ancient and medieval philosophy, Quintessence is the fifth essence or element, Ether, the spirit or heavenly bodies and the others being air, fire, earth, and water.

Artwork 22”x30” Framed (29”x37”) Acrylic on Paper


Radiance - great happiness, apparent in someone's expression or bearing. Buddha in “Dhyana” Mudra. It is the mudra of meditation, of concentration and of the attainment of spiritual perfection. It indicates the perfect balance of thought, rest of the senses, and tranquility.

Artwork 22”x30” Framed (29”x37”) Acrylic on Paper

Serendipity- SOLD
Serendipity- SOLD

The inspiration for this painting came from the story attached to the origin of the word. The fairy tale “The Three Princes of Serendip” is based upon the life of Persian King Bahram V, who ruled the Sassanid Empire (420–440). Stories of his rule are told in epic poetry of the region, parts of which are based upon historical facts with embellishments derived from folklore going back hundreds of years to oral traditions in India and The Book of One Thousand and One Nights. With the exception of the well-known camel story, English translations are very hard to come by.

Transcendence - SOLD
Transcendence - SOLD

The inspiration for this painting is Lord Krishna – “I am time”.

ˌtran(t)ˈsendəns: existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level


Unity is the secret of social progress, and service to society is the means to promote it.

Artwork 22”x30” Framed (29”x37”) Acrylic on Paper

Voice of Reason - SOLD
Voice of Reason - SOLD

Ik Onkar is the statement of oneness in Sikhism, that is 'there is one God'. Ik Onkar has a prominent position at the head of the Mul Mantar and the opening words of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. The Khanda reflects some of the fundamental concepts of Sikhism. The symbol derives its name from the double-edged sword which is a metaphor of Divine Knowledge, its sharp edges cleaving Truth from Falsehood. The circle around the Khanda is the Chakar which is a circle without a beginning or and end symbolizes the perfection of God who is eternal. The Chakar is surrounded by two curved swords called Kirpans. These two swords symbolize the twin concepts of Meeri and Peeri - Temporal and Spiritual authority that a Sikh must place equal emphasis on spiritual aspirations and to obligations towards the society.

Warmth - Mother and Child
Warmth - Mother and Child

A mother’s warmth is the first thing that we know and the very first thing we are familiar with.  Warmth of a mother’s hug is felt even when she is not there. 

Artwork 22”x30” Framed (29”x37”) Acrylic on Paper

X-Hileration - SOLD
X-Hileration - SOLD

iɡˌziləˈrāSH(ə)n: a feeling of excitement, happiness, or elation

Yugen- SOLD
Yugen- SOLD

Yūgen is an important concept in traditional Japanese aesthetics. Yūgen means “an awareness of the universe that triggers emotional responses too deep and mysterious for words.” It values the power to evoke, rather that the ability to state directly. The principle of Yugen shows that real beauty exists when, through its suggestiveness, only a few words, or few brush strokes, can suggest what has not been said or shown, and hence awaken many inner thoughts and feelings.


Zeal is great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective. Inspired by the Whirling Dervishes who aim to reach the source of all perfection through abandonment of one's egos or desires, focusing on God, listening to Sufi music and spinning one's body in repetitive circles symbolic imitation of planets in the solar system orbiting the sun.

Artwork 22”x30” Framed (29”x37”) Acrylic on Paper

Cosmic Egg - Hiranyagarbha
Cosmic Egg - Hiranyagarbha

The Vedas declare that creation began with the appearance of a golden cosmic egg (hiranyagarbha) in the ocean of life (prana). Symbolically, the egg constitutes the womb of the universe from which everything originates.

16x20 Mixed Media Acrylic on Canvas

Neel Kamal - 12x16 Acrylic on Paper (Framed)
Neel Kamal - 12x16 Acrylic on Paper (Framed)

The symbol of the cosmos a symbol of purity and transcendence.

Gateway to Heaven
Gateway to Heaven

24x24 Heavy Textured Mixed Media Acrylic on Canvas

Illuminating - 16x20 Acrylic on Canvas
Illuminating - 16x20 Acrylic on Canvas

Light- Illuminating Poem Excerpt by Joy Lenton

Just as the soft rays of light spill down a rock face,

gently probing each surface when the dawn breaks,

slowly illuminating, revealing its many cracks and crevices,

may the hardened exterior of my soul respond to the light of holy love

shining on my flaws, my mistakes with laser-light precision

marked by mercy and forgiveness,

handled with grace so much.

Waves of Emotions 1 - SOLD
Waves of Emotions 1 - SOLD

The mind is like water. When it’s turbulent, it’s difficult to see. When its calm, everything becomes clear. When we keep a bottle filled with muddy water it is turbulent and opaque.But if we keep the bottle and allow the mud to settle after some time we observe that the mud is at the bottom and the water is clear and transparent and we can see through it.

Waves of Emotions 2 - SOLD
Waves of Emotions 2 - SOLD

“When your mind is narrow, small things agitate you very easily. Make your mind like the ocean” Lama Thubten Yeshe

How can you expand your mind? Cultivate compassion; be aware of the needs and difficulties of others. Love and embrace all.

Waves of Emotions 3 - SOLD
Waves of Emotions 3 - SOLD

Our mind is like the ocean and our thoughts & emotions are waves in the ocean. If you imagine the sea, you might picture it as flat, calm, and blue, or as crashing surf, or small rocking waves.  Just as the oceans can change, so can our emotions. Our thoughts and emotions are the radiance and expressions of the mind.  They arise from the mind; they dissolve into the mind. Only if you let it go. Be an observer at the shore of the ocean of mind and just watch and enjoy the waves arising and dissolving. Choose only the waves or thoughts worth surfing. When you are a great surfer, you are also learning to be in the moment, being aware of what is happening right now. Neither delving in the past nor planning for the future, thus you overcome the pain of past and fear of the uncertainty of the future.

Waves of Emotions 4 - SOLD
Waves of Emotions 4 - SOLD

“Divers in the ocean dive deep to get the jewels. So dive deep in to yourself and realize your true self the jewel which we are searching is already deep within us.” Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Be a witness of the ocean of mind and observe the rising and ebbing of waves of thoughts . Do not try to correct the mind. Trying to correct the mind is like trying to correct the waves in the ocean. Can you stop the waves in the ocean? If you want to see an ocean without waves you only have to dive deeper. When you dive deep inside you will experience the stillness of the ocean and if it is all frozen that is enlightenment.

Waves of Emotions 5
Waves of Emotions 5

Artwork 22”x30” Framed (29”x37”) Acrylic on Paper

Reality is reflected undistorted in still waters therefore only a still mind adequately perceives reality. When we clean the mirror of our mind or when we calm the water like mind reality is mirrored undistorted. We dissolve in to infinity. A quiet and tranquil mind can perceive the world as it is. No illusion and false expectations will be there and so no hurt feelings.

Indian Bride - 12x16 Acrylic on Canvas Paper - SOLD
Indian Bride - 12x16 Acrylic on Canvas Paper - SOLD
Masks Series - SOLD
Masks Series - SOLD
Number Theory - 24x30 Canvas -SOLD
Number Theory - 24x30 Canvas -SOLD

One is by water two is by land …

Abstract Acrylic on Canvas Paper 12x18 - SOLD
Abstract Acrylic on Canvas Paper 12x18 - SOLD
Brilliance - 12x16 Acrylic on Canvas Paper -SOLD
Brilliance - 12x16 Acrylic on Canvas Paper -SOLD
Flower Princess - 12x16 Acrylic on Canvas Board - SOLD
Flower Princess - 12x16 Acrylic on Canvas Board - SOLD
Sisters - 28x28 Acrylic on Canvas -SOLD
Sisters - 28x28 Acrylic on Canvas -SOLD
Scapes - SOLD
Scapes - SOLD